The following are entries from a journal found in a pile of items in the Murks...
Cleric falls asleep while on watch. Bad cleric. Dog walks up and licks Skass’ face, he then feels a sting on his shoulder and falls asleep. When we come to time has shuffled from us. Ana has disappeared so has her wolf. There is a wound on the pallys back it looks like a laceration like a needle mark it appears he was poisoned on watch. We follow the dog tracks but there is only about eight feet of them. We come across some torturous terrain, which makes for slow going. There is a large open area. All of a sudden from under rocks a bearhound appears. Dorian takes a large beating again. We eventually kill the bearhound. Suddenly a web appears skass and doarian become entangled. A caster and two fighter hobgoblins appear. We incase the caster in a pillar of rock. The two fighters are felled easily.